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PPP Loan Gone (2022)

PPP Loan Gone  (2022)
PPP Loan Gone (2022)


豆瓣评分: IMDB评分:6.2
Jacob Stone (Ke'Juan Moses) gets caught up in a scheme by influence of his best friend Shaun Murray (Zephaniah Moore), to use falsified information to get approved for the ppp loan. Having the right intentions but going about it the wrong way, Jacob endeavors to get the ppp loan money to keep his girlfriend's Janelle (Brittany Culley) nail shop open and prove he is the man. At the same time, Shaun aides a gambling lord, Hitta (Hunnit K) in using the identities of all of those that owe in Hitta's books, to get approved for the loan so that they both can make a profit. Shaun in his greed, never realizes the FBI is tracking and trying to pin him down with the help of someone in his inner circle. Meanwhile Big Smoke (Alonzo Ross) and Dred (Steven Espinoza) are popular plugs that are indebted to the neighborhood bully Need Moe (Scott Moore) due to the bad quality of the product they got from him. In order to make a short deadline and keep their bodies in one piece, Big Smoke and Dred take the assistance of a ppp loan to help small businesses out of context, and work to get approved for the money to supply better product to the streets, allowing them to get out of debt and profit.

译文(3): Jacob Stone(Ke'Juan Moses饰)在他最好的朋友Shaun Murray(Zephaniah Moore饰)的影响下卷入了一个利用伪造信息获得ppp贷款批准的计划。雅各布有着正确的意图,但却以错误的方式行事,他努力获得ppp贷款,以维持女友Janelle(Brittany Culley饰)的美甲店的营业,并证明自己就是那个男人。与此同时,肖恩帮助赌王Hitta(Hunnit K饰)利用Hitta账簿上所有欠款人的身份,获得贷款批准,这样他们两人都能盈利。肖恩贪婪,从未意识到联邦调查局正在跟踪他,并试图在他的核心圈子里的人的帮助下将他锁定。与此同时,Big Smoke(Alonzo Ross饰)和Dred(Steven Espinoza饰)是受欢迎的插头,他们从邻居那里得到的产品质量很差,这要归功于Need Moe(Scott Moore饰)。为了缩短最后期限,让他们的身体完好无损,Big Smoke和Dred断章取义地利用ppp贷款帮助小企业,并努力获得批准,为街头提供更好的产品,让他们摆脱债务和利润。



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