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My Stolen Life (2022)

My Stolen Life  (2022)
My Stolen Life (2022)

导演:迪伦沃克斯 Dylan Vox
主演:妮可·玛丽·强森 Nicole Marie Johnson/布里顿·韦伯 Britton Webb

豆瓣评分: IMDB评分:5.7
After their father's death in an accident for which she blames herself, Tracy Wrey is so devastated that she becomes psychotic and is institutionalized. When her identical twin sister Jennifer, a famous romance novelist, visits on the anniversary of their father's death, Tracy snaps, drugs Jennifer, assumes her identity, and escapes, hell-bent on having a life of adventure and freedom for the first time in 15 years. Instead, she is plunged into Jennifer's nightmarish world, dealing with a fan club president that is obsessed with her, the toyboy lover who is blackmailing her, and the teenage daughter who hates her. While the real Jennifer languishes in the institution, Tracy grows desperate without the powerful drugs she needs to control her state of mind. Before she knows it, she is hurtling down a path strewn with violence and murder. Tracy checks out a now-subdued Jennifer from the institute, intent on leaving her to deal with the aftermath of her horrible mistakes. That's when Jennifer leads Tracy to a previously-locked room--and where Tracy finds out the shocking truth about her stolen life.

译文(3): 他们的父亲在一场事故中去世后,Tracy Wrey自责不已,她悲痛欲绝,患上了精神病,被送进了医院。当她的同卵双胞胎妹妹詹妮弗,一位著名的浪漫小说家,在他们父亲去世的周年纪念日来访时,特蕾西大发雷霆,给詹妮弗下药,冒充她的身份,逃跑了,15年来第一次下定决心过上冒险和自由的生活。相反,她陷入了詹妮弗噩梦般的世界,与一个痴迷于她的粉丝俱乐部主席、一个勒索她的玩具男孩情人以及一个讨厌她的十几岁女儿打交道。当真正的詹妮弗在医院里备受煎熬时,特蕾西在没有控制精神状态所需的强效药物的情况下变得绝望。在她意识到这一点之前,她正沿着一条充满暴力和谋杀的道路狂奔。特蕾西从研究所看到了一个现在情绪低落的詹妮弗,她打算离开她去处理她可怕错误的后果。就在这时,詹妮弗把特蕾西带到了一个以前锁着的房间,特蕾西在那里发现了她被偷走的生活的惊人真相。



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