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Since I Been Down (2020)

Since I Been Down  (2020)
Since I Been Down (2020)

片长: 105分钟
豆瓣评分: IMDB评分:7.0
In 1993, Washington State voters passed the three-strikes law and sent children considered to be irredeemable super-predators to prison for life without parole. Influenced by the national drug war frenzy, escalating crime, and gang activity, during the fear-based political policies of the 1980's and '90's, Tacoma, WA sacrificed their most-vulnerable children. The city's lack of social services and targeted investments in early education, the increasing inequality in housing and employment, and the culture of punishment (including no-parole, three-strikes, hard-time for armed-crime, and other excessive sentencing laws), stained the Tacoma landscape and destined these children to live their lives behind bars. SINCE I BEEN DOWN is an American story showcasing one city, Tacoma, WA, as an example of "Every town, USA" through the eyes of a community decimated by drugs, poverty, and fear. Thrown into prison - not for education or rehabilitation, but for removal and punishment ("out of sight, out of mind") - these children, who are now adults, could not be silenced. Together they built a prisoners' community of healing that extended beyond prison walls. The film is a dramatic chronicle of how gangs, fear, racism and power arrested the development of one American community, and how in their rush to discard the poorest by targeting brown and black youth for a false sense of safety, security and prosperity, an entire generation disappeared. SINCE I BEEN DOWN spotlights prisoner Kimonti Carter and follows his efforts, as well as a wide group of prisoners, as they break free from their fate and create a model of education that is transforming their lives, their communities, our prisons, and our own humanity.
译文(2): 1993年,华盛顿州选民通过了这项三振出局法,将被认为是无可救药的超级掠夺者的儿童判处终身监禁,不得假释。在上世纪80年代和90年代塔科马以恐惧为基础的政治政策中,受到全国毒品战争狂潮、不断升级的犯罪和帮派活动的影响,华盛顿州牺牲了他们最脆弱的孩子。这座城市缺乏社会服务,缺乏对早期教育的有针对性的投资,住房和就业方面的不平等日益加剧,以及惩罚文化(包括不得假释、三振出局、严惩武装犯罪,以及其他过度量刑的法律) ,这些都玷污了塔科马的风景,注定了这些孩子要在监狱里度过余生。《自我堕落》讲述的是一个美国故事,展示了一个被毒品、贫困和恐惧摧毁的社区眼中的“美国的每一个城市”,塔科马就是一个例子。被关进监狱——不是为了教育或改造,而是为了转移和惩罚(“眼不见,心不烦”)——这些孩子现在已经是成年人了,不可能保持沉默。他们一起建立了一个囚犯治疗社区,这个社区延伸到监狱的墙外。这部电影是一部戏剧性的编年史,讲述了帮派、恐惧、种族主义和权力如何阻碍了一个美国社区的发展,以及他们如何匆忙抛弃最贫穷的人,把目标对准棕色和黑色的年轻人,以获得安全、安全和繁荣的虚假感觉,整整一代人是如何消失的。自从我开始关注囚犯基蒙蒂 · 卡特(Kimonti Carter) ,关注他和一大群囚犯的努力,因为他们摆脱了命运的束缚,创造了一种教育模式,正在改变他们的生活、他们的社区、我们的监狱和我们自己的人性。

Since.I.Been.Down.2020.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DDP2.0.x264-WELP WEB-1080P
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:73696F56319D92D6EEBFE5BFA777C16FDF809FFF 6.45 GB
Since.I.Been.Down.2020.1080p.WEBRip.x264-RARBG WEB-1080P
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:69D09684244598A7745AEE1CB945EDA5A486F4FA 2.01 GB
Since.I.Been.Down.2020.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG WEB-1080P
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:B9A6F43839F39F1F8674A6AADFEA144721281D64 1.65 GB
Since.I.Been.Down.2020.1080p.WEB.h264-OPUS WEB-1080P
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:C1F2A13294DE29A4802A060E9926A204067F458B 6.67 GB



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