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宝云尼车站 Bhowani Junction (1956)

宝云尼车站 Bhowani Junction (1956)
宝云尼车站 Bhowani Junction (1956)
导演:乔治·库克 George Cukor
主演:亚伯拉罕·索费尔 Abraham Sofaer/艾娃·加德纳 Ava Gardner/莱斯·崔梅恩 Les Tremayne/弗朗西斯·马修斯 Francis Matthews/Harold Kasket Harold Kasket/彼得·伊林 Peter Illing/弗里达·杰克逊 Freda Jackson/莱昂内尔·杰弗里斯 Lionel Jeffries/雷蒙德·弗朗西斯 Raymond Francis/比尔·特拉弗斯 Bill Travers/爱德华 切普曼 Edward Chapman/斯图尔特·格兰杰 Stewart Granger/阿兰·提尔文 Alan Tilvern/乔治·库克 George Cukor
片长: 110 分钟
豆瓣评分: IMDB评分:6.4
The year is 1947, the British are on the verge of finally leaving India. Amongst the few who are sorry to see the British leave are the Anglo-Indians, half British and half Indian, for they are going to miss the patronage of their white cousins, the job reservations, and the important status and positions they currently hold. The British, quite frankly, do not think well of Anglo-Indians, nor do the Indians. Victoria Jones is one such Anglo-Indian, a WAC in the British Army, her father a railway engine driver, and her mom a housewife. She is close to another Anglo-Indian, Patrick Taylor, but changes her mind about him as he harbors deep hatred for the Indians. She witnesses Col. Rodney Savage instruct his soldiers to pour filthy water and garbage at the hands of untouchables on high-caste men and women who are protesting by laying down on the railway tracks to prevent trains from moving. Repulsed and shocked at this, she turns to Ranjit Singh Kassi, a Sikh, and longs to be Indian. She...
译文(2): 1947年,英国人即将离开印度。少数对英国人的离开感到遗憾的是英裔印第安人,一半是英国人,一半是印第安人,因为他们将错过他们的白人表亲的赞助,工作保留,以及他们目前所拥有的重要地位和职位。坦率地说,英国人和印度人都不看好英裔印第安人。维多利亚 · 琼斯就是这样一个英裔印第安人,她是英国陆军的一名女军人,她的父亲是一名火车司机,她的母亲是一名家庭主妇。她与另一个英裔印第安人帕特里克?泰勒(Patrick Taylor)关系密切,但由于泰勒对印第安人怀有深深的仇恨,她改变了对他的看法。她亲眼目睹了罗德尼 · 萨维奇上校命令士兵们将肮脏的水和垃圾倒在贱民手中,泼洒在高种姓男女身上。这些人正躺在铁轨上抗议,以阻止火车行驶。她对此感到厌恶和震惊,于是转向印度锡克教徒兰吉特 · 辛格 · 卡西(Ranjit Singh Kassi) ,渴望成为印度人。她..。

Bhowani.Junction.1956.1080p.WEBRip.DD2.0.x264-SbR WEB-1080P
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Bhowani.Junction.1956.1080p.WEBRip.x264-RARBG WEB-1080P
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:E8EACD5E6DCF73D1F593F311F9CB5BFF95E08E2C 2.09 GB
Bhowani.Junction.1956.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG WEB-1080P
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:1DEE0D0FA4B5AE20CFBE7326BA63ED47748DB18D 1.71 GB



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