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一千零一夜 Geschichte vom kleinen Muck, Die (1953)

一千零一夜 Geschichte vom kleinen Muck, Die (1953)
一千零一夜 Geschichte vom kleinen Muck, Die (1953)
又名:Abenteuer aus 1001 Nacht, Ein,小木克
导演:沃尔福冈·施多德 Wolfgang Staudte
主演:Wolf von Beneckendorff Wolf von Beneckendorff/哈里·里鲍尔 Harry Riebauer/Willi Schwabe Willi Schwabe/Helene Riechers Helene Riechers/Friedrich Richter Friedrich Richter/Nico Turoff Nico Turoff/Charles Hans Vogt Charles Hans Vogt/Julius Klee Julius Klee/Hermann Dieckhoff/Alexander Papendiek Alexander Papendiek/维尔纳·彼得斯 Werner Peters/Jean Brahn Jean Brahn/盖德·弗里克霍弗 Gerd Frickhöffer/Lutz Götz Lutz Götz/弗里德里希·纳森 Friedrich Gnaß/Fredy Barten Fredy Barten/特露德·黑斯特贝格 Trude Hesterberg/Wilhelm Heinrich Holtz Wilhelm Heinrich Holtz/Thomas Schmidt Thomas Schmidt/Otto Lange Otto Lange/Johannes Maus Johannes Maus/Wolf Kaiser Wolf Kaiser
片长: 100 分钟
豆瓣评分: IMDB评分:6.8
  An old man living in an oriental city tells the story of his life to a group of kids: He too was once a young boy by the name of Little Muck - much like them, but with better manners and a heap of problems. Having lost his father at early age, little Muck is expelled from home by his greedy relatives. He wanders off into the desert hoping to find the merchant who sells good fortune. Amidst the dunes of sand he comes across a small house owned by a wicked woman and her many cats. She wants to make Little Muck her servant, but he manages to escape by stealing a pair of magic shoes which enable him to run faster than any man in the country. From there he heads right into the next set of challenges... Based on a fairy tale by Wilhelm Hauff.



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