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世界最大的公牛鲨 World's Biggest Great White Shark (2019)

世界最大的公牛鲨 World's Biggest Great White Shark (2019)
世界最大的公牛鲨 World's Biggest Great White Shark (2019)
又名:World's Biggest Great White?

主演:克里斯·劳 Christopher Lowe

豆瓣评分: IMDB评分:6.4
Prepare to be awed by the once-in-a-lifetime meeting experienced by a group of divers and photographers in Hawaii, who hung out near a sperm whale carcass to photograph the tiger sharks who came to feed. Suddenly, everything went quiet, and the tiger sharks vanished. A gigantic shadow appeared in the distance. On the program, Dr. Chris Lowe, director of the Shark Lab at California State University at Long Beach, speaks of "dining etiquette" among sharks, which calls for smaller sharks to get out of the way when a bigger shark comes to feed. Sure enough, that shadow proved to be a much bigger shark, and a more famous one than the Hawaiian photographers ever dreamed they'd see in person: Deep Blue. What's more, they would soon learn that Deep Blue may have brought her squad with her. The three great whites encountered and photographed by Kimberly Jeffries, Mark Mohler and Andrew Gray are there for one reason: to chow down at the whale buffet. They express mild curiosity toward their human fans - and one of them does nibble at the boat - but clearly mean them no harm.
译文(2): 一群潜水员和摄影师在夏威夷经历了一次千载难逢的会面,他们在抹香鲸尸体附近闲逛,拍摄前来觅食的虎鲨。突然,一切都安静下来,虎鲨消失了。一个巨大的影子出现在远处。在节目中,加州州立大学长滩分校鲨鱼实验室主任克里斯 · 洛博士(Dr。 Chris Lowe)谈到了鲨鱼的“进餐礼仪”,即当大鲨鱼来觅食时,小鲨鱼要避开。果然,那个影子被证明是一条大得多的鲨鱼,而且是一条比夏威夷摄影师做梦都想见到的更有名的鲨鱼: 深蓝。更重要的是,他们很快就会知道深蓝可能带着她的小队一起来了。金伯利 · 杰弗里斯(Kimberly Jeffries)、马克 · 莫勒(Mark Mohler)和安德鲁 · 格雷(Andrew Gray)遇到并拍摄的三只大白鲨出现在那里只有一个原因: 在鲸鱼自助餐厅大快朵颐。它们对自己的人类粉丝表示出一点点好奇——其中一只确实在啃船——但显然它们没有恶意。

Worlds.Biggest.Great.White.2019.1080p.DSNP.WEBRip.DDP5.1.x264-WELP WEB-1080P
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:1551997A7752A19890D5827591DB2614F03F7D08 2.45 GB
Worlds.Biggest.Great.White.2019.1080p.WEBRip.x264-RARBG WEB-1080P
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:D4AD924039B8CD556E8BC355AFEB9B6DDEE9D5F3 863.06 MB
Worlds.Biggest.Great.White.2019.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG WEB-1080P
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:671875B0AB4DAC87BC5C3ABAC7CAFD7DDDC1F46E 705.32 MB



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