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3212分队全解密 3212 Un-redacted (2021)

3212分队全解密 3212 Un-redacted (2021)
3212分队全解密 3212 Un-redacted (2021)

导演:布莱恩·爱泼斯坦 Brian Epstein

片长: 99分钟
豆瓣评分: IMDB评分:7.4
When ODA 3212, an elite U.S. Special Forces team is caught in a surprise attack deep in the Saharan Desert, killing four soldiers and leaving the rest stranded with no rescue or reinforcements sent their way, military brass immediately start spinning a fractured tale to hide the full truth from the public and the families of the fallen. Two years later, the Pentagon's highly-redacted report on the ambush near Tongo Tongo, Niger shockingly accuses the team of going on a rogue mission to kill or capture a top ISIS commander. 3212 Un-Redacted is the result of an exhaustive three-year investigation that contains explosive interviews with a top Pentagon whistle-blower, the former general in charge of special operations in Africa, the team's own commander in Niger and the families of all four fallen soldiers united in their quest for the truth. Through a network of confidential sources inside the military and intelligence community, the film unravels the dark truth covered up by commanders at the highest levels of the military. It blows the lid off of the official Pentagon narrative which pinned the blame on low-level soldiers to protect the careers of the senior officers responsible for the ill-fated mission.
译文(2): 当 ODA 3212,一支精锐的美国特种部队在 Saharan Desert 深处遭遇突然袭击,四名士兵死亡,其余的士兵被困,没有救援或增援部队赶到时,军方高层立即开始编造一个支离破碎的故事,以向公众和阵亡士兵家属隐瞒全部真相。两年后,五角大楼对 Tongo Tongo 附近的伏击进行了高度编辑的报告,尼日尔令人震惊地指责该小组执行了一项流氓任务,目的是杀死或抓获一名 ISIS 高级指挥官。3212未编辑是一项历时三年的详尽调查的结果,其中包括对五角大楼一名高级告密者、负责非洲特别行动的前将军、小组自己在尼日尔的指挥官以及四名阵亡士兵的家属进行的爆炸性采访。这四名士兵的家属联合起来寻找真相。通过军方和情报界内部的一个秘密来源网络,影片揭露了军方最高层指挥官所掩盖的黑暗真相。它揭露了五角大楼的官方说法,该说法将责任归咎于低级别士兵,以保护负责这次不幸任务的高级军官的职业生涯。

3212.Un-redacted.2021.1080p.WEB.h264-KOGi WEB-1080P
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:76B7F9EDEA84B7AD2F4104ECDBDB7B228EF03279 3.74 GB
3212.Un-redacted.2021.1080p.WEBRip.x264-RARBG WEB-1080P
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6DD236F410AB9C6465EAB923E8C78AFCD0D9D51F 1.88 GB
3212.Un-redacted.2021.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG WEB-1080P
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:82BF3E95B4FD403610BDF5EDF382A2B4ED015DE6 1.54 GB



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