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教育卡特尔 The Cartel (2009)

教育卡特尔 The Cartel (2009)
教育卡特尔 The Cartel (2009)

片长: 90分钟
豆瓣评分: IMDB评分:7.4
American public schools have been growing progressively worse. According to the U.S. Department of Education national testing, only 35% of American high school seniors are proficient in reading, based on 2006 data. And fewer than one-in-four, 23%, are proficient in math. On the global stage, America ranks last in educational effectiveness among large industrialized countries despite the highest spending per student in the world. It presents a conundrum: How has the richest and most innovative society on earth suddenly lost the ability to teach its children at a level that other modern countries consider "basic"? If the problem is that we're not spending enough on schools, which many people believe, it's instructive to study the U.S. state that spends more than any other per student: New Jersey With spending as high as $483,000 per classroom (confirmed by NJ Education Department records for 2005-06), New Jersey students fare only slightly better than the national average in reading and math, and rank 37th in average SAT scores. And not even half of NJ's high school freshmen, despite the state's enormous "investment," are academically ready for college four years later. The fact is much of the public considers teacher salaries and overall education budgets to be the same thing -- if you're for raising one, you must be for raising the other. But as the film shows, in many cases 80-90% of the spending goes somewhere besides teacher salaries. In fact billions of dollars, as confirmed by independent audits, are wasted. "The Cartel" investigates what is causing this vast underachievement and what can be done to turn things around.

译文(3): 美国公立学校的情况日益恶化。根据美国教育部的全国测试,根据2006年的数据,只有35%的美国高中毕业生精通阅读。只有不到四分之一(23%)精通数学。在全球舞台上,尽管美国是世界上人均教育支出最高的国家,但在大型工业化国家中,美国的教育效率排名最后。它提出了一个难题:地球上最富有、最具创新精神的社会是如何突然失去了以其他现代国家认为的水平教育孩子的能力的;“基本”;?如果问题是我们在学校上的支出不够,很多人认为,研究美国每个学生花费最多的州是有意义的:新泽西州每个教室的支出高达483000美元(新泽西州教育部2005-06年的记录证实了这一点),新泽西州学生的阅读和数学成绩仅略高于全国平均水平,SAT平均成绩排名第37位。新泽西州的高中新生中,甚至不到一半,尽管该州拥有庞大的“校园”;“投资”;四年后就可以上大学了。事实上,许多公众认为教师工资和总体教育预算是一回事——如果你想提高一个,你就必须提高另一个。但正如电影所显示的,在许多情况下,80-90%的支出除了教师工资之外,还用于其他方面。事实上,独立审计证实,数十亿美元被浪费了"卡特尔”;调查是什么导致了这种巨大的成绩不足,以及可以采取什么措施来扭转局面。

The.Cartel.2009.1080p.BluRay.x264-PUZZLE 1080P蓝光
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:E397AFD8CBA6047D494AFB39E6CA4D10470EFDA6 8.74 GB
The.Cartel.2009.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG 1080P蓝光
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:D836AA1A881CAF7F5CFAE803FD2E929DFBEFCF46 1.66 GB



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