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认识你的敌人日本 Know Your Enemy - Japan (1945)

认识你的敌人日本 Know Your Enemy - Japan (1945)
认识你的敌人日本 Know Your Enemy - Japan (1945)
导演:弗兰克·卡普拉 Frank Capra/尤里斯·伊文思 Joris Ivens
主演:约翰·贝尔 John Beal/霍华德·达夫 Howard Duff/沃尔特·休斯顿 Walter Huston/诺克斯·曼宁 Knox Manning
片长: 63分钟
豆瓣评分: 7.6 IMDB评分:6.0
Using diagrams, cartoons and film footage, the film examines Japan's social structure and presents a geographical and historical basis for understanding Japan's and the United States' involvement in the war. A written prologue to the documentary acknowledges the honorable and loyal service of the Nisei (Japanese-Americans) during World War II. Scenes of Japanese ceremonies, industry, city and rural life, military training and combat are shown. The narration traces Japanese ideological history beginning with Emperor Jimmu, the first God-Emperor, whose divine command was "Let us extend our capital and cover the eight corners of the world under one roof." As Emperor Hirohito is a direct descendant of Jimmu, he is recognized as a God-Emperor and idealized as a ruler who governs all areas of life and is revered without question. Shinto is Japan's main religion and affects every aspect of life. For believers, the ghosts of the dead exist on earth to guide the living, and those who died in battle are considered warrior gods. A history of the Japanese warlords and their samurai, whose code of honor sanctioned treachery, doublecross and ambush, is presented. Japan's first unsuccessful attempt at world conquest was made in 1592. The growth of Christianity in Japan around the same time was eventually halted, and the country remained isolated for 200 years until in 1853, when the U.S. extended trade opportunities. Since then, Japan has modernized its technology, reorganized the political structure, and inducted the common man into prestigious military service. Government controlled compulsory education and "thought police," are used to manage the Japanese people. On 18 Sep 1931, Japan launched its campaign and gained control of Manchuria. Since then, it has conquered Manila, Hong Kong, Singapore, Nanking and Corregidor, has attacked Pearl Harbor and has tortured and mistreated its American and Filipino prisoners. By the close of the film, however, the U.S. is launching a successful counteroffensive and is concentrating the full power of its Air Force, Army and Navy to destroy Japan's ability to wage war.
译文(2): 影片运用图表、漫画和电影胶片,考察了日本的社会结构,为理解日本和美国卷入战争提供了地理和历史基础。这部纪录片的序言以书面形式表达了日裔美国人在二战期间光荣而忠诚的服务。展示了日本仪式、工业、城市和农村生活、军事训练和战斗的场景。叙述追溯了日本的思想史,从第一位天皇神武开始,他的神圣命令是“让我们扩张我们的首都,在一个屋檐下覆盖世界的八个角落。”由于昭和天皇是神木的直系后裔,他被公认为神皇,被理想化为统治生活各个领域的统治者,受到无可置疑的尊敬。神道教是日本的主要宗教,影响着日本人生活的方方面面。对于信徒来说,死者的鬼魂存在于地球上来引导活着的人,那些在战斗中死去的人被认为是战士的神。介绍了日本军阀和他们的武士的历史,他们的荣誉准则允许背叛,欺骗和伏击。日本第一次征服世界失败是在1592年。大约在同一时期,基督教在日本的发展最终停止了,这个国家被孤立了200年,直到1853年,美国扩大了贸易机会。从那时起,日本实现了技术现代化,重组了政治结构,并使普通人进入了享有声望的军队服役。政府控制的义务教育和“思想警察”被用来管理日本人民。1931年9月18日,日本发动战争,控制了满洲。从那时起,它已经征服了马尼拉、香港、新加坡、南京和 Corregidor,袭击了珍珠港,虐待和折磨了美国和菲律宾囚犯。然而,在影片结束时,美国正在发动一场成功的反攻,并集中其空军、陆军和海军的全部力量来摧毁日本发动战争的能力。



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