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皇冠上的珍珠 Les Perles de la couronne (1937)

皇冠上的珍珠 Les Perles de la couronne (1937)
皇冠上的珍珠 Les Perles de la couronne (1937)
又名:The Pearls of the Crown
导演:萨卡·圭特瑞 Sacha Guitry
主演:雅克琳·德吕巴克 Jacqueline Delubac/萨卡·圭特瑞 Sacha Guitry/林恩·哈丁 Lyn Harding/勒内·圣西尔 Renée Saint-Cyr/阿莱蒂 Arletty/马塞尔·达里奥 Marcel Dalio
片长: 118 分钟
豆瓣评分: 6.6 IMDB评分:6.9
Originally titled Les Perles de Couronne, this Sacha Guitry historical extravaganza stars both Guitry and his wife Jacqueline Delubac. The plotline hinges on four valuable pearls, which pass from hand to hand over a period of several centuries, from the time of Britain's Henry VIII to the present. All of this is offered in flashback form, as a group of modern-day treasure hunters try to locate three of the missing pearls by tracing them back to their previous owners. Guitry shows up as King Francis I, Barras and Napoleon III, in addition to his contemporary persona of Jean Martin; Debulac is seen as Mary Queen of Scots and Empress Josephine. There isn't a scintilla of historical accuracy in the film, nor did Guitry have the slightest intention of including any; his sole purpose was to entertain the audience and serve up a superbly ironic denoument. The supporting cast is a polyglot of French, English and Italian actors, each speaking in his or her own language. The screenplay for Pearls of the Crown was cowritten by Guitry and another immensely talented filmmaker, Christian-Jaque. ~ Hal Erickson, Rovi
译文(2): 原名 Les Perles de Couronne,这个萨沙吉特里的历史盛典明星吉特里和他的妻子杰奎琳德鲁巴克。故事情节围绕着四颗珍珠展开,从英国亨利八世时期到现在,这四颗珍珠在几个世纪的时间里从一个人手里传到另一个人手里。所有这一切都以倒叙的形式提供,因为一群现代寻宝者试图通过追踪珍珠的原主来找到其中三颗失踪的珍珠。吉特里出现在弗朗西斯一世,巴拉斯和拿破仑三世国王,除了他的同时代人物让马丁; 德布拉克被视为苏格兰的玛丽女王和皇后约瑟芬。影片中没有丝毫的历史准确性,吉特里也没有丝毫包括在内的意图; 他唯一的目的是娱乐观众,并提供一个极具讽刺意味的结局。配角是通晓多国语言的法语、英语和意大利语演员,每个人都说自己的语言。《王冠上的珍珠》的剧本是由吉特里和另一位才华横溢的电影制作人克里斯蒂安-雅克共同编写的。哈尔 · 埃里克森,罗维

The.Pearls.of.the.Crown.1937.FRENCH.ENSUBBED.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.AAC2.0.x264-SbR WEB-1080P
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:2570687314CEB491C7B019C0B3E3542DCE26AA9A 4.14 GB
The.Pearls.of.the.Crown.1937.FRENCH.ENSUBBED.1080p.WEBRip.x264-VXT WEB-1080P
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:7E1C2A37C3F29C378E93DC2D4B7B75E16A318D8B 2.01 GB



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