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西线战场1918 Westfront 1918: Vier von der Infanterie (1930)

西线战场1918 Westfront 1918: Vier von der Infanterie (1930)
西线战场1918 Westfront 1918: Vier von der Infanterie (1930)

导演:G·W·帕布斯特 Georg Wilhelm Pabst
主演:Fritz Kampers Fritz Kampers/Claus Clausen Claus Clausen/埃尔泽·黑勒 Else Heller/弗拉迪米尔·索科洛夫 Vladimir Sokoloff/André Saint-Germain André Saint-Germain/Gustav Püttjer Gustav Püttjer/阿里伯特·莫格 Aribert Mog/汉斯-乔基姆·默比斯 Hans-Joachim Möbis/古斯塔夫·迪斯尔 Gustav Diessl/Carl Balhaus Carl Balhaus
片长: USA: 75 分钟
豆瓣评分: 8.2 IMDB评分:7.4
According to Sadoul in his "Dictionary Of Films": "The life and death of four average soldiers attached to the same company on the French front during the last months of World War I. Karl (Diessl), from Berlin, goes home on leave and finds his wife (Hoessrich) in bed with another man. A Bavarian (Kampers) takes life as it comes, while the lieutenant (Clausen) sticks to his duty. Anex-student (Moebis) falls in love with a French girl (Monnier) but loses her when the company moves on. All of them, sooner or later, meet a terrible end. Best sequences: the men buried alive during a bombardment; the first romantic meeting between the young student and Yvette; Berlin in the midst of food rationing with queues at all the shops; the death of the student at the hands of a wounded soldier in no-man's-land; the tank attack; the lieutenant going mad; the wounded and the dying in the ruined church converted into a field hospital. "Far better than the contemporary All Quiet On The Western Front, Westfront 1918 has little dialogue but gives tremendous dramatic force to natural sounds (Pabst refused to use music). As John C. Moore describes the final sequences: 'Pabst makes one last desperate effort to convey to us not only the horror of war but its futility and its gross stupidity as well.' Released to tremendous international acclaim, it still must be included among the finest war films ever made."
译文(2): 根据萨杜尔在他的《电影词典》中的描述: “一战最后几个月,在法国前线附属于同一连队的四个普通士兵的生与死,来自柏林的卡尔(迪斯尔)休假回家,发现他的妻子(霍斯里奇)和另一个男人在床上。一个巴伐利亚人(坎普斯)在生命来临时取走生命,而中尉(克劳森)坚守自己的职责。附件-学生(莫比斯)爱上了一个法国女孩(莫尼埃) ,但失去了她的公司继续前进。他们迟早都会死得很惨。最佳场景: 轰炸中被活埋的人; 年轻学生和伊维特之间的第一次浪漫会面; 在所有商店排队配给食物的过程中的柏林; 在无人区一名受伤士兵手中的学生死亡; 坦克袭击; 中尉发疯; 在毁坏的教堂里的伤员和垂死者被改造成了野战医院。“1918年的《西线无战事》比同时代的《西线无战事》要好得多,它几乎没有对话,却给自然的声音带来了巨大的戏剧性力量(帕布斯特拒绝使用音乐)。正如约翰 · C · 摩尔(John C. Moore)所描述的最后一幕: “帕布斯特(Pabst)做出了最后一次不顾一切的努力,不仅向我们传达了战争的恐怖,还传达了战争的徒劳和愚蠢。”。’在国际上广受好评,它仍然必须包括在有史以来最好的战争电影。”

Westfront.1918.1930.1080p.BluRay.x264-GHOULS 1080P蓝光
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:2825D1DEFB74227229D4A027B1A92FFCEF188612 6.56 GB



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