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印度神明 Krishna Aur Kans (2012)

印度神明 Krishna Aur Kans (2012)
印度神明 Krishna Aur Kans (2012)
又名:奎师那,克里希纳神,Hey Krishna

主演:玖熹·查瓦拉 Juhi Chawla/欧姆·普瑞 Om Puri/马诺杰·巴杰帕伊 Manoj Bajpai
片长: 117分钟
豆瓣评分: IMDB评分:6.7
It is the story of Krishna, the destiny's child, born as the nemesis of brutal king Kans who had tormented the kingdom with his ruthless dominance. Growing up as a naughty prankster, Krishna from a very early age displays his valiant powers over the deadly demons send by Kans, whose frustrations grow as every death defying duel hails Krishna emerging as a real hero among his folks. Years of futile efforts to eliminate his nemesis at last compels Kans to invite Krishna for a decisive duel in the coliseum as the massive crowd breathlessly witnesses the final faceoff between good and evil. As an epic magnum opus, "Krishna aur Kans" promises a complete entertainment package. The pace and speed of the film aptly support the emergence of Krishna, the greatest legendary heritage character of India, that manages to keep the graph of excitement soaring till the end. Adding another magic touch to the package is the heartwarming music of the film...
译文(2): 这是一个关于克利须那神的故事,命运的孩子,作为残忍的国王 Kans 的克星出生,Kans 用他无情的统治折磨着这个王国。作为一个顽皮的恶作剧长大,克利须那从很小的时候就展示了他对抗 Kans 派来的致命恶魔的勇敢力量,当每一个反抗死亡的决斗欢呼克利须那成为他的家人中真正的英雄时,Kans 的挫折感增长了。多年来消灭克里希纳的努力最终徒劳无功,这迫使 Kans 邀请克里希纳在体育场进行决斗,而大量的观众屏息凝神地目睹了善与恶的最终对决。作为一部史诗巨著,《克里希纳 · 奥尔 · 坎斯》承诺提供完整的娱乐套餐。电影的节奏和速度恰如其分地支持了印度最伟大的传奇人物克利须那神的出现,他成功地保持了激动人心的图表一直飙升到最后。另一个魔法触摸的包装是温暖人心的电影音乐..。



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