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自由鸟 Freebird (2008)

自由鸟 Freebird (2008)
自由鸟 Freebird (2008)

导演:Paul Murphy Paul Murphy
主演:Alun ap Brinley Alun ap Brinley/彼得·鲍勒斯 Peter Bowles/马库斯·吉尔伯特 Marcus Gilbert/伊恩拉尔夫 Ian Ralph/莱拉·罗阿斯 Laila Rouass/菲尔·丹尼尔斯 Phil Daniels/加里·斯加奇 Gary Stretch/Gary J. Brown Gary J. Brown/西蒙·弗雷姆 Simon Frame/Paul Beard Paul Beard/艾玛·克利夫顿 Emma Clifton
片长: Netherlands: 89 分钟
豆瓣评分: IMDB评分:5.3
Three London motorcycle couriers Fred, Tyg and Grouch set off from London in search of an elusive hippy and his cannabis farm in the Welsh mountains. Originally intended as a 'nice weekend in the country' Fred has now found himself making a promise to his old friend The Chairman that whatever the circumstances and whatever situations arise he will not return empty handed. Grouch has also made a promise that come monday morning he'll be moving his belongings into his new found love Lucinda's flat and make a serious attempt at the world of relationships. As for Tyg no such pact's this is a man who's never been further than the outskirts of London and as far as he's concerned an industrial unit near Heathrow Airport is pretty much the back and beyond. No Tyg's out to explore to broaden his horizons to lose any ignorance and soak up the hospitality of another nation. But then what are those wild beast like noises from the woods and why are there two gangs of bikers in the area preparing to settle an old score. Is this reality or could it be the wild mushrooms they had for breakfast ! It's a three and a half hour journey from London to the Welsh mountains but for our three hero's it's just about to turn into the trip of a lifetime.
译文(2): 三个伦敦的摩托车快递员弗雷德,泰格和格鲁奇从伦敦出发,寻找一个难以捉摸的嬉皮士和他在威尔士山区的大麻农场。弗雷德最初的目的是“在乡下度过一个愉快的周末”,但现在他发现自己向老朋友主席许下了一个诺言: 无论发生什么情况,无论发生什么情况,他都不会空手而归。格鲁奇还承诺,下周一早上他会把自己的东西搬到他新找到的爱人露辛达的公寓里,并认真尝试一段新的恋情。至于泰格,没有这样的约定,他从来没有到过伦敦的郊区,对他而言,伦敦希思罗机场附近的一个工业单位就是他的后方和远方。没有 Tyg 的出去探索,以开阔他的视野,失去任何无知,并吸收其他国家的好客。但是那些从树林里传来的野兽般的声音又是什么呢? 为什么这个地区有两帮摩托车手正准备解决旧账呢。这是真的吗,还是他们早餐吃的野蘑菇!从伦敦到威尔士山脉需要三个半小时但是对于我们的三位英雄来说这将是一次终身难忘的旅行。

Freebird.2009.1080p.BluRay.x264-RUSTED 1080P蓝光
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:115B91E78CFF6DEC5E589677821B07912798E1B4 6.55 GB
Freebird.2008.1080p.BluRay.x264-RUSTED 1080P蓝光
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:61DCDF6F3B71A9C71AFAA408EE7EE8EF657FE6AD 6.55 GB
Freebird.2008.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG 1080P蓝光
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:3A9C0A2199BEC7C00ECA19CCF991DCFBE5B602DA 1.78 GB



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自由鸟 Freebird (2008):等您坐沙发呢!

