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单身汉爸爸 Father Is a Bachelor (1950)

单身汉爸爸 Father Is a Bachelor (1950)
单身汉爸爸 Father Is a Bachelor (1950)

导演:Abby Berlin Abby Berlin/诺曼·福斯特 Norman Foster
主演:威廉·霍尔登 William Holden/柯琳·格蕾 Coleen Gray/斯图尔特·艾尔文 Stuart Erwin/盖里·格瑞 Gary Gray/西戈·鲁曼 Sig Ruman/Mary Jane Saunders Mary Jane Saunders/科兹摩萨尔多 Cosmo Sardo/威廉·坦嫩 William Tannen/Arthur Space Arthur Space/杜利·威尔逊 Dooley Wilson/克林顿·松德贝里 Clinton Sundberg/Frederic Tozere Frederic Tozere/Al Thompson Al Thompson/查尔斯·温宁格 Charles Winninger/埃迪·沃勒 Eddy Waller/汉克·沃登 Hank Worden/Kermit Maynard Kermit Maynard/劳埃德·科里根 Lloyd Corrigan/Ruby Dandridge Ruby Dandridge/佩姬·康弗斯 Peggy Converse/莉莲·布朗森 Lillian Bronson/Warren Farlow Warren Farlow/Wayne A. Farlow Wayne A. Farlow/比利·格雷 Billy Gray/汤米·伊沃 Tommy Ivo/汤姆·金斯顿 Tom Kingston
片长: 83 分钟
豆瓣评分: IMDB评分:6.7
William Holden plays a drifter who comes to a small town and discovers a cabin in the forest where five kids: January, February, March, April, and May are living without parents. Their parents died a whole ago, and they want to keep that a secret from the townspeople, especially the young school teacher (Coleen Gray) because they don't want to end up in a children's home and then eventually separated. William's character moves in with the kids and poses as their uncle to take care of them while romancing the school teacher. In order to keep the children, however, he has to get married.
译文(2): 威廉 · 霍顿扮演一个流浪汉,他来到一个小镇,发现森林里有一个小屋,里面有五个孩子: 一月、二月、三月、四月和五月,他们没有父母。他们的父母很早就去世了,他们不想让镇上的人知道这个秘密,尤其是那个年轻的学校老师(科琳 · 格雷饰) ,因为他们不想最终被送到儿童之家,最终分开。威廉扮演的角色和孩子们住在一起,并假扮成他们的叔叔来照顾他们,同时与学校的老师谈恋爱。然而,为了留住孩子,他不得不结婚。



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