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第二生命 Seconds (1966)

第二生命 Seconds (1966)
第二生命 Seconds (1966)
导演:约翰·弗兰克海默 John Frankenheimer
主演:约翰·兰道夫 John Randolph/弗朗西丝·瑞德 Frances Reid/芭芭拉·沃勒 Barbara Werle/埃特加斯坦利 Edgar Stehli/莫瑞·汉密尔顿 Murray Hamilton/杰夫·科里 Jeff Corey/威尔·吉尔 Will Geer/理查德·安德森 Richard Anderson/罗克·赫德森 Rock Hudson/韦斯利·阿迪 Wesley Addy/莎乐美·延斯 Salome Jens/内德里克·扬 Nedrick Young/多迪·希斯 Dodie Heath/伊丽莎白弗雷泽 Elisabeth Fraser/威廉·温特索尔 William Wintersole/卡尔·斯温森 Karl Swenson/Thom Conroy Thom Conroy/Frank Campanella Frank Campanella/Robert Brubaker Robert Brubaker/Dorothy Morris Dorothy Morris/Carla Balenda Carla Balenda/Burt Brandon Burt Brandon/Helen Brown Helen Brown/Irving Burns Irving Burns/Fritz Ford Fritz Ford/John Francis John Francis/大卫·加菲尔德 David Garfield/多恩·加扎尼加 Don Gazzaniga/George Golden George Golden/Stuart Hall Stuart Hall/King Lockwood King Lockwood/迈克·马奥尼 Mike Mahoney/Michael Masters Michael Masters/约翰·米彻姆 John Mitchum/LeRoi Operti LeRoi Operti/Tony Regan Tony Regan/Bill Smillie Bill Smillie
片长: 106分钟
豆瓣评分: 7.9 IMDB评分:7.6
Middle-aged banker Arthur Hamilton is given the opportunity to start a completely new life when he receives calls from his old friend Charlie. The only problem is that Charlie is supposed to be dead. Hamilton is eventually introduced to a firm that will fake his death and create an entirely new look and life for him. After undergoing physical reconstruction surgery and months of training and psychotherapy, Hamilton returns to the world in the form of artist Tony Wilson. He has a nice house in Malibu and a manservant, a company employee who is there to assist him with his adjustment. He finds that the life he had hoped for isn't quite what he expected and asks the company to go through the process with surprising results. Written by garykmcd
译文(2): 中年银行家阿瑟?汉密尔顿(Arthur Hamilton)在接到老朋友查理(Charlie)的电话后,有机会开始全新的生活。唯一的问题是 Charlie 应该已经死了。汉密尔顿最终被介绍给一家公司,这家公司将伪造他的死亡,为他创造一个全新的面貌和生活。在经历了身体重建手术和数月的训练和心理治疗后,汉密尔顿以艺术家托尼 · 威尔逊的形式回到了世界。他在马里布有一栋漂亮的房子,还有一个男仆,一个公司的雇员在那里帮助他适应环境。他发现自己所期望的生活并不完全是他所期望的,于是要求公司经历这一过程,结果却出人意料。作者: garykmcd

Seconds.1966.1080p.BluRay.x264-HD4U 1080P蓝光
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:FF418E4699D0D82193E775FE9170695D3E6AF5F2 6.56 GB
Seconds.1966.1080p.BluRay.x264-HD4U 1080P蓝光
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:72FADBB68BF4D58BA725023B4F4A7F8BF4EC0BD7 6.56 GB
Seconds.1966.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG 1080P蓝光
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:070EE6600AA563CE59A4971CA297512ACA3EFFEF 2.05 GB
Seconds.1966.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG 1080P蓝光
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6D3581E302EDE7345BC68595C3F9983495B6C878 1.67 GB



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