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压迫 The Squeeze (2015)

压迫 The Squeeze (2015)
压迫 The Squeeze (2015)

导演:特瑞·杰斯特罗 Terry Jastrow
主演:杰瑞米·桑普特 Jeremy Sumpter/凯瑟琳·拉·纳莎 Katherine LaNasa/杰森·多灵 Jason Dohring/克里斯托弗·麦克唐纳 Christopher McDonald/吉莲·默瑞 Jillian Murray/迈克尔·诺里 Michael Nouri/大卫·奥唐内尔 David O'Donnell/迈克尔·比斯利 Michael Beasley/蒂姆·韦尔 Tim Ware/迈克尔·哈丁 Michael Harding/J. Teddy Garces J. Teddy Garces/梅姬娅·考克斯 Mekia Cox

片长: 95分钟
豆瓣评分: IMDB评分:5.4
THE SQUEEZE Augie Baccus, (early 20s), a common man of uncommon skills, living in a small Texas town is a winner in life...starting quarterback in football, leading scorer in basketball, fastest in track, etc. When Augie wins his one day City Golf Championship by 15 shots breaking his own course record, a dapper Southern gentleman gambler, Riverboat and his over-the-top bejeweled wife, Jessie, who are driving cross country in their blue Thunderbird from Mississippi to Las Vegas hear of this uncommonly gifted young golfer on local radio. Turning off the highway, Riverboat heads to the local muni course to find Augie and convinces him to abandon his dreams of qualifying for the PGA Tour, and come play for him in high-stake gambling matches. Augie's longtime girlfriend, Natalie, sassy, smart and take-no-prisoners is angered beyond tolerance as she watches Augie give up his dreams and compromise his integrity. Augie continues to win high stakes matches all across the state until they're finally run out of Texas. Riverboat and Augie head for Las Vegas where they play in even higher stakes matches until Augie finds himself pitted against a big-time Vegas gambler, Jimmy Diamonds, who has known connections to the mob. Augie continues to win every match until finally, Diamonds, fed up with the scam, breaks into Augie's hotel room and brutally informs him he's going to end up at the bottom of a swimming pool wearing lead boots if he doesn't lose the match the next day. Fearing for his life, Augie attempts to escape but is soon discovered by a very angry Riverboat who informs him he had better win the match the next day or he'll do the deadly deed himself. Thus our hero is caught in The Squeeze. Win or lose-either way, he's dead. Can this appealing young man escape the opposing forces of evil and win back his girl? Welcome to The Squeeze. It's Tin Cup meets The Sting with a dollop of Caddyshack.
译文(2): 挤压奥吉 · 巴克斯,(20岁出头) ,一个拥有非凡技能的普通人,生活在德克萨斯州的一个小镇上,是生活中的赢家... ... 橄榄球的四分卫,篮球的得分王,跑道上的最快者,等等。当 Augie 以15杆的优势打破了自己的记录,赢得了当天的城市高尔夫锦标赛冠军时,一个衣冠楚楚的南方绅士赌徒 Riverboat 和他戴着顶级珠宝的妻子 Jessie,他们驾驶着蓝色的雷鸟从密西西比州开往拉斯维加斯,在当地电台听到了这位天赋异禀的年轻高尔夫球手。下了高速公路,里弗波特前往当地的市政球场找到奥吉,说服他放弃参加 PGA 巡回赛的梦想,来为他打高风险的赌博比赛。奥吉交往多年的女朋友娜塔莉,时髦、聪明、不拘小节,看着奥吉放弃梦想,损害自己的正直,她愤怒到无法忍受。Augie 继续赢得全州的高风险比赛直到他们最终离开德克萨斯。内河船和奥吉前往拉斯维加斯,在那里他们玩更高的赌注比赛,直到奥吉发现自己陷入与一个大赌徒,吉米钻石,谁知道与黑帮有联系。奥吉继续赢得每一场比赛,直到最后,钻石,受够了这个骗局,闯入奥吉的酒店房间,并残忍地告诉他,如果他不输掉第二天的比赛,他将穿着铅制靴子在游泳池底部结束。由于担心自己的生命安全,奥吉试图逃跑,但很快就被一个非常愤怒的内河船发现,他告诉奥吉,他最好在第二天赢得比赛,否则他将亲自动手。我们的英雄就这样被困在了《挤》里。无论输赢,他都死定了。这位魅力四射的年轻人能否摆脱邪恶的力量,赢回他的女友呢?欢迎来到 The Squeeze。这是锡杯对阵骗局,再加上一点高尔夫球童。



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