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花样选美 Search for Beauty (1934)

花样选美 Search for Beauty (1934)
花样选美 Search for Beauty (1934)

导演:厄尔·C·肯顿 Erle C. Kenton
主演:巴斯特·克拉比 Buster Crabbe/艾达·卢皮诺 Ida Lupino/罗伯特·阿姆斯特朗 Robert Armstrong/詹姆斯·格利森 James Gleason/Gertrude Michael Gertrude Michael/弗兰克·麦格林 Frank McGlynn Sr./罗斯科·卡恩茨 Roscoe Karns/James B. 'Pop' Kenton James B. 'Pop' Kenton/Joyzelle Joyner Joyzelle Joyner/Nita Harvey Nita Harvey/Virginia Hammond Virginia Hammond/Gwenllian Gill Gwenllian Gill/Earl Pingree Earl Pingree/Bradley Page Bradley Page/Julian Madison Julian Madison/托碧·温 Toby Wing/Ellinor Vanderveer Ellinor Vanderveer/科林·塔普利 Colin Tapley/拉里·斯蒂尔斯 Larry Steers/William Stelling William Stelling/哈里·斯塔布斯 Harry Stubbs/Frederick Sullivan Frederick Sullivan/Brian Norman Brian Norman/Donald Gray Donald Gray/Ara Haswell Ara Haswell/埃迪·格里本 Eddie Gribbon/莫里斯·科斯特罗 Maurice Costello/戴夫·奥布莱恩 Dave O'Brien/埃德蒙·莫蒂默 Edmund Mortimer/伯特·罗奇 Bert Roach/Arthur Rankin Arthur Rankin/李奥·怀特 Leo White/安·谢里登 Ann Sheridan/Phil Dunham Phil Dunham/William Bailey William Bailey/Geneva Hall Geneva Hall/韦尔娜·希利 Verna Hillie/戴尔·亨德森 Dell Henderson/Alfred Delcambre Alfred Delcambre/Nora Cecil Nora Cecil/Malcolm Ball Malcolm Ball/琳恩·巴里 Lynn Bari/曼雅·安德烈 Monya Andre
片长: 78 分钟
豆瓣评分: IMDB评分:6.1
Larry Williams and Jean Strange happen onto each other after they both spent time behind bars for scamming the public. Larry tries to propose an idea, but Jean is not having any of it, at least right off, but soon enough she's listening to his scheme and showing interest. Larry wants to start up what he calls a "legitimate" business by resurrecting a defunct health and fitness magazine. He garners the financing from their old pal, Dan Healy, and then they recruit two Olympians to unwittingly front the operation, but the magazine's biographies accompanying the cheesecake and beefcake photo spreads under the guise of health and fitness soon leads to a split, forcing more conniving by Larry and friends.
译文(2): 拉里 · 威廉姆斯和吉恩 · 斯特兰奇因为诈骗公众被关进监狱后碰巧遇到了对方。拉里试图提出一个想法,但简没有任何想法,至少现在没有,但很快她就听取了他的计划,并表现出兴趣。拉里想通过复活一本已经停刊的健康与健身杂志来开始他所谓的“合法”生意。他从他们的老朋友丹 · 希利(Dan Healy)那里获得了资金,然后他们招募了两名奥运选手,在不知情的情况下主持了这次行动。但是,杂志上配有奶酪蛋糕和肌肉男照片的传记在健康和健身的幌子下传播开来,很快导致了分裂,拉里和朋友们不得不更加纵容。



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