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赎金 Ransom! (1956)

赎金 Ransom! (1956)
赎金 Ransom! (1956)
导演:阿力克斯·西格尔 Alex Segal
主演:格伦·福特 Glenn Ford/唐娜·里德 Donna Reed/莱斯利·尼尔森 Leslie Nielsen/梅·麦卡沃伊 May McAvoy/Max Palmer Max Palmer/安斯利·普赖尔 Ainslie Pryor/霍华德·尼格利 Howard Negley/Bill McLean Bill McLean/Irving Mitchell Irving Mitchell/Gregg Martell Gregg Martell/Joe McGuinn Joe McGuinn/William F. Leicester William F. Leicester/洛丽·马奇 Lori March/莫特·米尔斯 Mort Mills/Eddie Parker Eddie Parker/胡安妮塔·摩尔 Juanita Moore/Billy Nelson Billy Nelson/约翰·伦巴 John Zaremba/Guy Wilkerson Guy Wilkerson/Dale Van Sickel Dale Van Sickel/奥兰·索尔 Olan Soule/Hal Taggart Hal Taggart/亚历山大·斯库比 Alexander Scourby/Dick Ryan Dick Ryan/William Rhinehart William Rhinehart/Dick Rich Dick Rich/Jack Rice Jack Rice/伊桑·莱德劳 Ethan Laidlaw/罗伯特·基思 Robert Keith/Robert Stevenson Robert Stevenson/乔治·多克斯塔德 George Dockstader/富兰克林·法纳姆 Franklyn Farnum/Sig Frohlich Sig Frohlich/Harvey B. Dunn Harvey B. Dunn/本尼·伯特 Benny Burt/保罗·布里纳加 Paul Brinegar/罗伯特·伯顿 Robert Burton/詹姆斯·科纳蒂 James Conaty/Jack Daly Jack Daly/Peter Adams Peter Adams/Mabel Albertson Mabel Albertson/乔治·邓恩 George Dunn/Alex Frazer Alex Frazer/Bob Davis Bob Davis/Charles Anthony Hughes Charles Anthony Hughes/Lenore Kingston Lenore Kingston/John Hiestand John Hiestand/理查德·盖恩斯 Richard Gaines/Jonathan Hole Jonathan Hole/Duane Grey Duane Grey/Sol Gorss Sol Gorss/Jack Gargan Jack Gargan/玛丽艾伦霍坎森 Mary Alan Hokanson/Pitt Herbert Pitt Herbert/查尔斯·赫伯特 Charles Herbert/华诺·埃尔南德斯 Juano Hernandez/Alan Harris Alan Harris
片长: 109 分钟
豆瓣评分: IMDB评分:6.9
When his son Andy is kidnapped and held for ransom, David Stannard liquidates his assets to meet the half-million dollar demand. A casual remark by newspaper reporter Charlie Telfer makes him change his mind. Despite the pleas from his wife Edith and brother Al, and the resultant condemnation of the press and public, Stannard goes on a nation-wide television program, displays the money and warns the kidnapper that not one cent will be paid for ransom; instead the money will be used to track down the kidnapper if Andy isn’t returned unharmed. The police then find the boy’s blood-stained shirt.



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