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神探默多克 第八季 Murdoch Mysteries Season 8 (2014)

神探默多克 第八季 Murdoch Mysteries Season 8 (2014)
神探默多克 第八季 Murdoch Mysteries Season 8 (2014)
导演:Laurie Lynd Laurie Lynd/黛博拉·周 Deborah Chow
主演:亚尼克·比森 Yannick Bisson/克雷格·汤姆斯 Craig Thomas/海琳·乔伊 Helene Joy/强尼·哈里斯 Jonny Harris/乔吉娜·瑞利 Georgina Reilly/阿纳斯塔西娅·菲利普斯 Anastasia Phillips/Taylor McKay Taylor McKay/凯瑟琳·巴雷尔 Katherine Barrell/萨拉米切 Sara Mitich/‎托马斯·克雷格‎ Thomas Craig/詹姆斯·唐宁 James Downing


豆瓣评分: IMDB评分:8.1
Det. Murdoch investigates the murder of Richard Dawkins who was beaten to death at the dinner table by two masked men just as he was about to make an important announcement to his business associates. Since nothing was stolen Murdoch's new boss, Inspector Hamish Slorach, calls the killing an assassination. Dawkins was rumored to be selling his chandlery business. The harbor master says Dawkins was anything but a saint and the police should look to the seedier side for a solution to his death. Const. Jackson is badly beaten by two thugs which seems to confirm Murdoch's suspicion that the men who beat Inspector Brackenreid are the same ones who killed Dawkins. When they find a dead woman on the shore, Dr. Grace determines she was clubbed to death the night before the attack on Dawkins and was manacled before she died. Meanwhile, suffragettes recruit Julia to their movement and she is joined by Emily Grace. Receiving little support politically, they decide to hold a protest march.
译文(2): 默多克警探正在调查理查德 · 道金斯的谋杀案,道金斯在餐桌上被两个蒙面人殴打致死,当时他正准备向他的商业伙伴宣布一项重要消息。由于没有任何东西被偷,默多克的新老板,督察汉米什 · 斯洛拉奇,称这次谋杀为暗杀。有传言说道金斯要卖掉他的枝形装饰品生意。港务局长说道金斯绝不是圣人警方应该从更肮脏的一面寻找他死亡的解决办法。康斯特。杰克逊遭到两名暴徒的毒打,这似乎证实了默多克的猜测,即殴打布雷肯里德探长的人与杀害道金斯的人是同一伙人。当他们在岸上发现一具女尸时,格蕾丝博士断定她是在道金斯遇袭的前一晚被人用棍棒打死的,在死前还戴着手铐。与此同时,妇女参政权论者招募朱莉娅加入他们的运动,艾米丽 · 格蕾丝也加入了。由于在政治上得不到多少支持,他们决定举行抗议游行。



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