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钻石单身汉 第十季 The Bachelorette Season 10 (2014)

钻石单身汉 第十季 The Bachelorette Season 10 (2014)
钻石单身汉 第十季 The Bachelorette Season 10 (2014)

主演:Chris Harrison Chris Harrison/萨拉·赫隆 Sarah Herron

豆瓣评分: IMDB评分:5.5
Romance, rivalry and, quite possibly, true love! One lucky woman gets the opportunity to find the man of her dreams -- and, she hopes, her groom-to-be -- in the 10th edition of The Bachelorette. This season's Bachelorette is ANDI DORFMAN, 27, a beautiful and successful woman who, at first glance, has it all: a loving family, great friends and even her dream job. But she realized there was something missing, so she put her busy life on hold to try and find love last season on The Bachelor (season 18). She thought she had found her match in Juan Pablo Galavis, but, in the end, it was not meant to be and Andi walked away. She did not, however, let that experience stop her desire to continue her search for her "great love" and now she is willing to put her dream job as an assistant prosecutor in Atlanta on hold to pursue -- and hopefully find -- the love of a lifetime.
译文(2): 浪漫,竞争,很可能还有真爱!一个幸运的女人有机会在第10版的千金求钻石中找到她的梦中情人——她希望是她的未婚夫。本季的单身女郎是27岁的安迪 · 多尔夫曼,一个美丽而成功的女人,乍一看,她拥有一切: 一个充满爱的家庭,很好的朋友,甚至她梦想的工作。但是她意识到少了些什么,所以她暂停了忙碌的生活,在上一季的《单身汉》(第18季)中尝试寻找爱情。她以为自己在 J.噶拉维斯中找到了另一半,但最终,她们并不合适,于是安迪离开了。然而,她并没有因为这次经历而放弃继续寻找“挚爱”的愿望。现在,她愿意暂停自己梦寐以求的亚特兰大助理检察官的工作,去追寻——并且有望找到——一生的挚爱。



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