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阿联酋的历史 History of the emirates (2019)

阿联酋的历史 History of the emirates (2019)
阿联酋的历史 History of the emirates (2019)

主演:杰瑞米·艾恩斯 Jeremy Irons

上映地区:阿联酋 UAE,英国
豆瓣评分: IMDB评分:7.8
For the first time ever, the ancient history of the United Arab Emirates is depicted in this informative and entertaining three-part documentary series. Stretching back 125,000 years and culminating in the union in 1971, HISTORY OF THE EMIRATES profiles the ancient foundations of the modern country - exploring some of the region's most historic sites, uncovering innovations that allowed its forefathers to thrive on the land, and revealing the latest archaeological discoveries. Utilizing state-of-the-art CGI technology, 360-degree camerawork and incredible archaeological footage, the series brings to life the UAE's past unlike anything seen about the region. HISTORY OF THE EMIRATES will remind local viewers of the enduring ties that exist between the country's remarkable past and its amazing present, while revealing a completely unseen civilization to viewers new to the region.
译文(2): 这是有史以来第一次,古代的阿拉伯联合酋长国历史被描绘在这个内容丰富和娱乐性的三部曲纪录片系列中。从125,000年前到1971年合并达到高潮,《酋长国历史》描绘了这个现代国家的古老基础——探索了该地区一些最具历史意义的遗址,发现了让其祖先在这片土地上茁壮成长的创新,并揭示了最新的考古发现。利用国家最先进的 CGI 技术,360度摄影和令人难以置信的考古镜头,该系列带来生活的阿联酋的过去不同于任何东西看到的地区。《酋长国的历史》将提醒当地观众,这个国家非凡的过去和令人惊叹的现在之间存在着持久的联系,同时向新到该地区的观众展示一个完全看不见的文明。



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