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小丑下地狱 再生篇 Killjoy's Psycho Circus (2016)

小丑下地狱 再生篇 Killjoy's Psycho Circus (2016)
小丑下地狱 再生篇 Killjoy's Psycho Circus (2016)

主演:斯金·迪亚蒙德 Skin Diamond/维多利亚·莱文 Victoria Levine

豆瓣评分: IMDB评分:4.8
Killjoy, the demon of vengeance, trickster god and killer clown has finally made it to Earth! Along with his gruesome crew Freakshow, Punchy and the sexy/psychotic Batty Boop, Killjoy is free to terrorize mortals in new and excruciating ways. But two years down the road Killjoy discovers that life on Earth is a drag, filled with inconveniences such as eating, breathing, taxes and immigration issues. His crew has left for other jobs, and Batty Boop has gone her own way after a bitter lover's quarrel. Not to mention that Killjoy is now semi-mortal! Meanwhile, back in hell, Beelzebub is on trial for letting Killjoy escape. The only way that Beelzebub can redeem himself is to trap Killjoy's spirit and bring it back in a box. For this mission he is granted a monumental spaceship capable of destroying entire cities! Killjoy has finally settled in, starring in his own web series called PSYCHO CIRCUS, as well as running a movie and merchandise company with the notorious Hambo the Ranch Hand. The challenges of being a producer are nothing compared to the challenges of staying alive after Beelzebub's assassins appear to kill the demon clown and capture his spirit. Killjoy will have to find a way to reunite his gang of clowns in order to defeat Beelzebub and his minions! It all comes together in an epic battle in KILLJOY'S PSYCHO CIRCUS!
译文(2): 扫兴者,复仇恶魔,骗子之神和杀手小丑终于来到了地球!随着他可怕的船员怪胎秀,拳击和性感/精神病巴蒂 Boop,扫兴者是自由的恐怖人类在新的和痛苦的方式。但两年后,扫兴者发现,地球上的生活是一个拖累,充满了诸如吃饭、呼吸、税收和移民问题等不便之处。他的船员已经离开了其他工作,和巴蒂 Boop 已经走了自己的路后,一个激烈的情人的争吵。更不用说扫兴者现在是半人半鬼了!与此同时,在地狱里,Beelzebub 正因让扫兴者逃跑而受审。只有困住扫兴者的灵魂并把它装在盒子里带回来,魔王才能救赎自己。为了这次任务,他被授予了一艘能够摧毁整个城市的巨大的宇宙飞船!扫兴者终于安顿下来了,主演了他自己的网络系列片《神经病马戏团》 ,还和臭名昭著的汉堡牧场之手一起经营一家电影和商品公司。作为一个制片人的挑战是什么比不上生存的挑战后,贝鲁塞巴布的刺客似乎杀死了恶魔小丑和捕捉他的精神。扫兴者必须想办法重新召集他的小丑团队才能打败魔王和他的手下!这一切都汇集在一个史诗般的战斗,在 KILLJOY 的心理马戏团!



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