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救赎 Fiza (2000)

救赎 Fiza (2000)
救赎 Fiza (2000)
又名:English: Atmosphere,Urdu:Fida

主演:贾雅·巴杜里 Jaya Bhaduri/卡瑞诗玛·卡普尔 Karisma Kapoor/赫里尼克·罗斯汉 Hrithik Roshan/爱莎·考佩卡 Isha Koppikar/Dinesh Thakur Dinesh Thakur/乔尼·里沃 Johnny Lever/马诺杰·巴杰帕伊 Manoj Bajpai/普里特维·祖奇 Prithvi Zutshi
语言:北印度语 Hindi,乌尔都语 Urdu
片长: 170分钟
豆瓣评分: IMDB评分:6.0
Six years after Fiza's (Karisma Kapoor) brother, Aman (played by Hrithik Roshan) disappears during the 1993 Mumbai riots, she goes to look for him. When she does find him, to her horror she sees that he has joined a terrorist group. She forces him to come home, and he finally re-unites with their mother (played by Jaya Bachchan). However his allegiance and thoughts make him want to join the terrorist network, led by Murad Khan (Manoj Bajpai). A confrontation with two men who harass Fiza leads to Aman revealing his involvement with the terrorist network in front of his sister, mother and the police. His mother's grief and disappointment eventually lead her to commit suicide. Fiza tries once more to find her brother, with the help of Anirudh (Bikram Saluja). Aman has been sent on a mission to kill two powerful politicians; when he does succeed in assassinating them, his own terrorist group tries to kill him...
译文(2): 菲扎(卡里斯玛 · 卡普尔饰)的哥哥阿曼(赫里希克 · 罗山饰)在1993年孟买骚乱中失踪六年后,她去寻找他。当她找到他时,她惊恐地发现他加入了一个恐怖组织。她强迫他回家,他终于与他们的母亲团聚(由 Jaya Bachchan 扮演)。然而,他的忠诚和思想使他想加入穆拉德汗(Manoj Bajpai)领导的恐怖主义网络。与骚扰菲扎的两名男子发生冲突后,阿曼在姐姐、母亲和警察面前透露了自己与恐怖组织的关系。他母亲的悲痛和失望最终导致她自杀。在 Anirudh (Bikram Saluja 饰)的帮助下,Fiza 再次试图找到她的弟弟。阿曼被派去刺杀两个有权势的政客,当他成功刺杀他们时,他自己的恐怖组织试图杀死他..。



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